Perfumes: What is a Decant?

The decant is a way that people have found to try a particular perfume without having to buy a whole bottle, something useful if it is still not known if the perfume is good or not, and for good I’m not just talking about the fragrance, but also about its fixation and evolution, or even to prevent buying a product that pleases at the time of the test but then gets sick.

There are virtual stores that work with decants and this is nothing new, before there were physical stores that sold this type of product, in addition to catalogs that allowed purchases by phone or even orders by mail.

What is a decant?

The “decant” ( decant , in English) is the name used for perfumes that are original but that have been bottled, that is, the content of the large and expensive bottle will end up in a glass jar that maintains its characteristics, but becomes accessible.

The amount of liquid can vary, there are bottles smaller than 0.5 ml, but you can also find more options in stores that can reach 10 ml or more in some cases.

Advantages of decant

Right away, the big advantage is the price, as it allows access to expensive perfumes, but there are also other elements that make this feature have its fans:

  • The small packaging facilitates transport on trips or even on a daily basis;
  • If you use a perfume a little, but still want to have it for some occasions, this is a way to avoid buying a quantity that will not be used before the expiration date;
  • It allows you to test the product on a daily basis, see its performance and decide whether to buy a larger bottle;
  • It makes it possible to have a large number of fragrances without spending a fortune.


Of course, whoever buys a decant has to prepare for certain dangers, perhaps the biggest one is to buy a counterfeit product, since the liquid does not come in an “official” packaging, in addition, you cannot know the date exact manufacturing, this means that you have to trust completely who is selling you the flacon, so it is good to find out before making your purchase.

Decant X Miniature

So the decant is one of those miniatures that, occasionally, appear for sale or are given as a sample in bottle?

Not exactly, those are made by the company responsible for manufacturing the product, while the decant is handled by someone external to this process, so it has to pass the perfume from an original bottle to the other generic one.

In fact you can make your own decant if the goal is to create a more portable bottle for the perfume you already have, just have an ideal wrapper for this, which can be purchased via the internet or in specialized stores.

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