Men’s Haircuts That Don’t Need Ointment, Wax or Gel

Many men are looking for male haircuts that do not need ointment, wax or gel, because they are tired of having to deal with this type of product or want something more practical and natural.

The dependence on something that fixes your hairstyle is a double-edged sword, as it makes sure that you will achieve the desired look, but it implies expenses, extra work, care with cleaning the wires and the fear that your favorite product will leave to be manufactured, forcing to test others that may not be the best solution, implying more expenses.

Maculine Haircuts That Don’t Need Ointment, Wax or Gel

Types of male haircuts to consider:

1 – Ultra short hair

The shorter the threads, the less need to shape them, right ?! The cuts with machine or flush, but made with scissors, are the number one choice of those who do not want to waste a lot of time to get dressed or want to depend on a wax, gel or ointment to make the look 100%. In addition, this type of cut gives a clean and professional image, which is why it is the best indication for those working in an environment with a more rigid dress code.

Of course it is possible to give the look a more modern look, with features with the fake streak made with machine or leaving a little volume in strategic points.

As it is very short it is suitable for any type of hair, from straight to curly or curly.

2 – Messy top haircuts

Low on the sides and a little longer on top, it is the choice of those who have curly or wavy hair and enjoy a cool look. The trickster is not caring about the top, making it messy, but maintaining the length in the right measure so that the hair does not fall into the eyes or seems to have a life of its own.

As it has a more modern face, be careful with your image at work, try not to look sloppy, choose a length that leaves the look always behaved.

If you have a better cut with those who have curly or wavy hair, if your strands are too straight you risk getting a fringe falling in your eyes and without the messy effect, a better option would be the cut with fringe, I’ll talk about it below.

3 – Medium hair

Another way to circumvent hair styling products is to use a medium cut and not too tidy. For many people, this option may require some care, as the medium strands are not always in the place they should be, but it helps to walk with a comb and do regular checks to see the situation.

Anyone who rides a motorcycle needs to be careful not to have their hair “matted” after wearing a helmet, like a Lego doll.

4 – Long locks

After the pandemic many men are choosing to have their hair longer. It is not the look that suits anyone, but if it works for you, know that it implies some responsibilities and maintenance.

The rock footprint and casual style of long hair can change even your way of dressing, so make sure you are opting for something that will not negatively impact your professional life, not everyone can afford it.

5 – Men’s haircut with bangs

Short or medium on the sides, it leaves a fringe that can be adjusted according to your taste and the ability to control the locks without a product for that. If your hair can become a bit rebellious the tip is to cut a bangs shorter, if you can tame it you can make the front a little longer.

Whoever has wavy or curly hair will always achieve a more “messy” and casual / cool look.

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