How to Get Rid of Unwanted Nose Hair

When it comes to grooming, there is a lot of talk about hair, beard and skin, but we should not neglect hair, because they can appear in the most unwanted places and ruin your look.

The most common and extremely unpleasant case is certainly the hair on the nose. Due to her position at a point on the face that is difficult to ignore, she leaves behind another terrible enemy of male beauty: the hair on her ears – but this problem remains for another post!

As you might imagine, the best way to get rid of unwanted nose hairs that you have (or will get when you get older, no one escapes) is to cut them skillfully and for this task we have two options:

1 – Scissors


The slightly more laborious solution. All you need is a small pair of scissors designed especially for this type of task (link to purchase above) it allows you to reach the unpleasant threads and cut them without harming your nasal cavity, the problem is motor coordination and patience, because it always seems there is an unreachable hair, requiring twists in your wrist that you didn’t even know you could do.

The advantage is that this instrument also serves to trim a mustache, if it is your case, it can kill two rabbits with one stick!

2 – Nasal Trimmer (nasal hair trimmer)

A much more practical and effective solution, the hair trimmer can be an accessory that accompanies and adapts the electric shaver or simply an instrument sold separately that does just that job.

The task of cutting the nasal hair with this device is much simpler and faster, just by introducing it into the nasal orifice, making small circular movements.

It also serves to cut hair from the ears.

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