Face Care Routine Every Man Should Have

Even though the market for male care products is growing at an alarming rate, there are still men who do not have a defined face care routine, except for shaving and a shy and hurried cleaning in the morning.

Taking care of the skin on your face can guarantee you health and delay aging, just knowing how to use the right products and when to use them. Below you will find out about a routine of skincare that may seem complicated at first, but that will become natural after some time and I bet as soon as you notice the difference you will wonder why you didn’t do it before, check it out:

Morning Face Care Routine

There are 3 simple steps that will not take more than 2 minutes of your life, but will guarantee healthy, young and beautiful skin.

Note: to avoid getting too long this post will not deal with products citing names and indicating places to buy, we will make another article very soon with a nice amount of suggestions for all budgets.

1 – Wash your face

First of all, put the idea in your head that you need to have an exclusive face soap. It is not freshness, the skin of the face is more delicate, even in men, needing specific care. Face soaps control oiliness, remove dirt and, in some cases, help fight acne; you can apply them while showering or simply wash your face after brushing your teeth, if you have already showered the night before.

The use is simple: just make a little foam with your hands and gently apply the product on the face with circular movements, then rinse.

Estimated time: 20 seconds.

2 – Moisturize the face

When you use the appropriate face soap it removes the oil that has accumulated since the last wash, but this can result in a phenomenon known as the rebound effect , that is, your skin, deprived of hydration, produces even more oil. That’s why so many people complain that their face gets worse soon after washing

But don’t despair, your body always tries to sabotage you, so you have to give him what he asks for and a little more with the moisturizer. This product not only restores the skin’s moisture, but leaves it healthier and helps prevent aging.

Its use is also simple: apply with a fingertip a thin layer on the skin of the face and let it dry naturally. You will notice a refreshing sensation, it means that the product is doing its job, in addition the skin is more lush without that greasy glow.

Estimated time: 30 seconds.

3 – Apply specific sunscreen for the face

This item is not negotiable, you have to use sunscreen because of skin cancer (which would be enough) and due to a phenomenon called photoaging, that is, the premature aging of the skin caused by exposure to intense sunlight. It also prevents the appearance of spots and wrinkles. So, is it or is it not extremely useful?

Just as in the case of soap, sunscreen also has to be specific to the face, because in addition to acting differently, it is formulated so as not to disturb or weigh even with a high sun protection factor (50 or 60, generally). Another characteristic of this type of product is not being noticed on the skin of the face, that is, no one will notice the presence of the protector and will be looking at you weird, you can rest assured.

The application has to be done little by little and with care not to leave any area without cover. It is important to remember that the ears are also sensitive to sunlight, passing a thin layer of product on them is essential, as well as on the neck.

Estimated time: 1 minute.

Pause for a warning:

There are moisturizers that come with sun protection, aftershave lotion, anti-wrinkle cream, anti-calluses, align the chakras and can even be used in place of the choyu sauce in the salad. It may seem like a hand in the wheel, but be very careful with this type of dermocosmetic, usually what tries to solve everything ends up not helping at all, although a few manage to achieve some of the goals. Before buying a product like this, look for specialized reviews that can attest to its efficiency.


Reapply the protector

The sunscreen has its action restricted to a certain period, if you can reapply it in the middle of the day, better, you will have a more efficient protection against the sun guaranteed.

Nighttime face care routine

Before laying your head on the pillow, it is good to take care of your face, cleaning and protecting:

1 – Wash your face again

Wash your face with the same soap you used in the morning to remove the sunscreen and dirt that has accumulated during the day.

2 – Hydrate again

Apply the moisturizer to the face again, if during the day it guarantees a less oily and softer face, during the night it will help the skin to rest and rejuvenate, in addition to giving a fresh and pleasant feeling before sleeping.

Your routine can end here or you can level up, just continue reading …

try it

I know that all these tips can seem like a big step for those who still don’t take care of their facial skin, however there are still some more products that give a good result and can be included in your grooming routine without complications and without making you lose more. time:

1 – Anti-aging cream + eye cream

Anti-aging creams prevent wrinkles and spots on the skin, while eye creams reduce bags and creases in the eye area, but some even treat problems like dark spots around the eyes and help to wake up with a healthier appearance .

Important: these two creams replace the moisturizer, as they already have this function in its formula, so you don’t need to increase your routine, just change it at night.

You may think that this type of product is only for those over 50, but it is correct to use them as soon as you notice the arrival of wrinkles or the need to prevent their appearance. Some people only begin to suffer from this problem at 40, others at 30, but there are men with very light skin who, after 20 years old, already notice the formation of crow’s feet and the like.

2 – Exfoliation

Exfoliation, although ignored by many men, is essential in removing dead cells, cleaning the skin and preventing pimples and blackheads. The post-exfoliation shave is also smoother and the possibility of ingrown hairs drops a lot. The sensation after exfoliation is very pleasant, with smooth and soft skin, not to mention the healthy appearance.

Exfoliation can be done once or twice a week with specific soap, cream or gel that can be applied over the entire face with circular movements and then rinsed. The whole operation doesn’t last even 2 minutes!

Important: exfoliation, when done, can take the place of the facial cleansing soap, since both serve this purpose, so it is not a step in your routine, just replace one product for another, however , some scrubs are a little difficult to remove and a soap can help with this task.

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