Beard Trends That Continue To Set Style In 2021

In case you hadn’t noticed, which is practically impossible, the beard continues to set a trend this year 2021. Trends in beards are still a constant in men’s aesthetics, and this year they are still at the top of the ranking.

After the first mass lockdown in March 2020, many men decided to grow facial hair . And if you were one of them, it is very possible that you are interested in knowing which Beard Trends continue to set style in 2021.

Like everything, the trends in Beards also evolve over time, and there are some fashions of yesteryear that can now be seen out of date.

If you want to know what is and what is not , there is nothing better than observing the street looks of fashion addicts. But, above all, when choosing which beard you are going to wear, you should bet above all on naturalness and that it is a very personal style .

But, be careful, we know each other, when I refer to naturalness, I am not saying that you let your beard grow left and right, without order. I mean a natural finish, that doesn’t look too sharp , but is not sloppy. The Viking style is no longer worn … Leave that for the movies …

Today, the most popular style in barbershops is the » Hollywoodian beard
«. It is a full beard, but without sideburns, and as a rule, with a shaved neck.

It is a style that is inspired by the beards of Hollywood celebrities, such as Christian Bale , Leonardo DiCaprio , Hugh Jackman , Viggo Mortensen or Chris Hemsworth .

This style of beard  is very well suited to diamond shaped faces . But, it is also perfect on  round, square or triangular faces.

Another style that is very successful is the Stubble . A timeless classic that never fails, because it has a scruffy touch but is very sexy.

It is the shortest and simplest beard of all . It is ideal for men who tend to have beards that grow irregularly.

To achieve the perfect look , grow your beard for two to seven days and keep it trimmed with a trimmer, between comb 1.5 and 3, so that the edges are defined and show a cleaner look.

It is one of the most comfortable beards out there because it needs very little maintenance.

The Long Stubble also takes a lot. It is a similar cut to the previous one, but with a couple more days of growth.

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