9 Reasons Why Hair Ointment or Wax Doesn’t Work Right

One of the great frustrations of those who have a certain whim about their hair and hairstyle is when the product purchased to style it – be it an ointment, wax or gel – does not meet the desires.

Often the problem is quality, so it is best to change brands, but in some cases your habits, your hair or even your city do not contribute to a stylish and imposing hairstyle, so let’s see what may be disturbing you:

9 Reasons Why Ointment or Wax Doesn’t Work Right

1 – It doesn’t have the level of fixation you need

Before buying an ointment, wax, gel or any other type of product to style the hairstyle, see if it has the level of fixation you need, usually this information is marked on the packaging in a place that is easy to see. So if you need something with strong or extra strong fixation just check the label.

Be careful: some brands define their products as strong, but this is not always real, or to achieve this result, so much ointment is needed that a pot does not last at all.

2 – Each hair is a case

Some hairs are easier to style than others, this can depend on the amount of hair you have, length of hair, volume of the set, etc.

There are people who get a tuft with little product, because the hair has thick and “spiky” strands close to the root, others have thin and draped strands, needing a more effective product and in greater quantity.

Be aware of your hair type to get the look right and be prepared to change brand, or level of fixation if necessary.

3 – You rub your hair too much

It may sound silly, but running your hand through your hair every 10 minutes takes away the effectiveness of products that support your hairstyle. One reason is that every time the hand passes between the strands, a small amount of product stays in it, coming out of the hair; the other is that the locks are getting heavy with the oil and dirt in your hand; in addition, these steps disassemble the fibers that some products use to support the threads, as in web-effect ointments, for example.

If you are going to slap the hairstyle, try this with a comb, as it will at least diminish or eliminate the first two problems I mentioned. If you have no other option, use your hand yourself, but try not to do it all the time and worry about washing it first.

4 – Climate (temperature)

There are hairstyle products that simply cannot resist the Brazilian heat! In winter in regions such as the south and southeast the look is perfect, but summer is enough for the production to collapse.

Here it is worth the trial and error, you have to experiment until you find those who don’t suffer so much from climate change. Oh, and a tip: oil-based waxes are the worst on hot days, some melt like butter.

5 – Dirty hair

Dirty hair plus ointment results in an even more greasy appearance and almost no styling. Greasiness, pollution and dandruff affect the effectiveness of hair products too much and still give a bad appearance, the opposite of what you expect.

Always style your hairstyle after washing your hair or at least with reasonably clean strands!

6 – Product quality

Let’s agree that there are some products out there that compete with saliva as hair fixers, it is better to lick your palm and rub it over your head. Before you go out and buy anything that appears ahead, research, gather reliable opinions, read reviews, so you have a basis for choice.

7 – The cut needs another type of product to style it

There are those who change their haircuts, but still use the same wax or gel to maintain their hairstyle when in fact they needed something stronger or even weaker and more natural.

When changing your haircut, consult the barber to find out which products are ideal to keep you looking flawless.

8 – Product in the wrong quantity

Excessive gel in the hair, or insufficient ointment are common problems for those who venture to put together a cool look. It is best to start with little and increase the amount until reaching the ideal point. It is also worth taking care of the appearance and not only the shape, a heavy hair and dirty face can be the indication that you have passed the bill.

9 – You need a combination of products

I use the powder to add volume and an ointment to fix it, I haven’t managed to do something that can do both effectively, but many people achieve the same result with just one item, because, as I said, each hair is different.

If the stylist does one job well, but leaves something to be desired in another, perhaps it is time to test a combination that does the job.

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